Saturday, June 9, 2018

Ellie's Celebration of Writing

Ellie's Kindergarten Class had a 
Celebration of Writing
Walt stayed home with Pete and I got 
to go with Brooke to the Celebration
 Each child presented their report on an animal of their choice
that they researched over the past few months
 The adults rotated from table group to table group and 
the kids stayed and presented their report to each new 
adult group as they came over to their table
 Then the students showed all their work for the year 
to their guests 
 Ellie wrote this in September
Another example of September writing
 October has a few changes with longer sentences
This is Gram & Pa's house if you can't tell
 Another trip to Gram & Pa's house in November
 The progress to May is phenominal
They grow so much in Kindergarten
Pete in May
 And in June
Brooke said this is the first time he paid attention to 
the haircut.  He wanted to see it in the mirror afterward
 Boy, this looks like Walt's nephew DJ
 The new sofa made into a slide 

 Too Cute!!
Thanks Ellie for sharing your celebration with me