Saturday, January 18, 2020

Day in the Snow

Everyone in the Puget Sound Area was supposed
to get some snow.  When we woke up on Monday 
morning this is what we had.  Maybe a half inch.
Not what we were expecting.
 We got up on Wednesday morning and decided to
go over to Brooke's.  She got way more snow
 Wednesday morning sunrise
 So I'll document the trip over to Brooke's
This is Gorst, as you can see clear roads not much snow
on the side of the road
 Tacoma and Mt. Rainier no snow in the forground
 Bellevue, getting some pile up on the sides where 
they must have plowed the road, probably Monday
 Off the freeway heading to Brooke's, slush in the
middle of the road
 And more snow going up the hill
 Check how deep on the side of the road

 Brooke's yard in the front
and the back (a ruler sticking out)
 Brooke took the kids over to the Stormwater
Pond to sled.  We could hear the laughter when
we got out of the car.
 We got our snow boots on and headed over to
join in the fun!!

 Oh ya, the pond has no water in it right now but
it does have a hill that isn't too steep so you get 
tired going up and down with the sled
 Pa tried it too!!

 This is how Ellie hitches a ride on Pete's turn
 Or she just slides down on her rear
 The snow was wetter on Monday so they 
built a snowman then.  It was too dry when
we got there
 so we made snow angels.  This is Ellie Angel 
Then inside to warm up and play.  I don't know
how Ellie managed to get breakfast in bed.

Fun Day!   

Brooke got 10 inches of snow on Monday
night and then another couple inches on Wednesday.