Friday, March 20, 2020

New Backyard View

We got new neighbors behind us.
They are relandscaping.  Makes
our backyard look very different
We had a brush pile by that telephone pole
All the blackberry bushes are gone.  :o(
I think they are going to up a fence up

 Trees along the fence are all trimmed which keeps their
branches out of our yard
but doesn't provide much privacy now
They are actually getting the big tree that
keeps dropping branches on our power lines
delimbed.  Yeah!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Our Trip to California

We had a trip to California planned for March
Who knew it would be at the beginning of a 
pandemic?  We were going to watch some
Lacrosse and build a barn door form Amy's
laundry room.  The lacrosse was cancelled
along with school.
 Foggy morning out of Oregon
 You can barely see Mt. McLaughlin above the fog
 Mt. Shasta was beautiful
 The lake was down a little
 Then I didn't think to take pictures again until 
they were halfway thru their project
Amy's laundry room door opened in and
made it a bit difficult to open the dryer
and move around in there
 Cade and Grampa got to work according to
Amy's specifications
 and worked and worked
 Claire and one of their twin cousins, Matteo
 Things to do when your out of school for 
who knows how long

Breakfast of Champions!
yes, that is cake
 and they even got the door finished
Nice Job, guys!!
To bad we didn't go down a week later since they
were in school the week we were there and officially
out of school Tuesday, the morning we left.
Amy sent the last picture after she finished
painting the last coat

Spring is Coming

Spring really is coming
I have proof
 My daphne is blooming
along with the miniature daffodils 

Brooke goes to Maui

Yes, while Brooke and family go to Maui
we get to play grandparents to their pets
 Some time during the evening they cozy 
up on the couch
 and at other times they played havoc with
the things on the coffee table
 the lamps
 each other
 the slippers I put on the heater to dry
 the rug at the door for Charlie
 And then resting again

 Pa is on the computer and there is stuff
that moves in there
Great place to cozy up too!!
Fun Times