Monday, July 19, 2021

Lander's Baptism

Lander was Baptized on Sunday
during the 11:00 Mass
thank goodness so we didn't have to 
try to get there by 9am
No water in the fonts yet since CoVid
So the church had a nice station set up at 
the front of the church

The pouring of water on Lander's head

He pretty much slept thru the whole thing

The Anointing with Oil

Baptismal Candle

The clapping woke him up

Brooke's friend, Luke, from her Ridgecrest days was 
Lander's Godfather, their neighbor, Cindy and
Auntie Amy were Godmothers.  Auntie Amy
was on vacation with Andrew's family so 
she couldn't make it to the Baptism

Lander wore Pete's Baptismal outfit.
It fit pretty well

Pete loves picture time!!

Fun day!!  Brooke put out a luncheon after the Baptism!!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Wedding Event of the Weekend

 Joanna and Jacob's wedding in Spokane 

was like a family reunion.  Brooke and her 

family went over with us on Thursday before 

the Saturday wedding. 

Ellie and Pete rode with us from Snoqualmie Pass.
They put their neck pillows on their heads

We made sure we had an outdoor pool

and we visited it the first day of course

We had adjoining rooms.  Guess who's this one is?

Making coffee was so exciting

Walked over to the waterfront park

So much fun
The United States Pavilion from Expo 1974

Dressing for the wedding

I got one picture in before Walt pointed out that the
program said 'No pictures please'

Bride and Groom with Father

Nora 2 years

Chase 4 years

Leslie next to Chase, Corinne and Scottie above
Chase, Leslie, and Nora

Hannah, Isla (walking toward the table) Claire, and Corinne
The girls in mauve were junior bridesmaids and the 
ones in white were flower girls

Isla and Brianne

Elise and Avery

Chase and Scottie

First Dance

Lisa, Katie, and Michelle (Rory behind)

Cutting the cake

I think it's water

Eating of the cake

Father of the Bride Dance

So much fun in that hotel.

I did not do very well on my picture taking
I didn't carry my camera with me. I happened to
get a lot of pics of Rory's kids and none 
of Katie's boys.  Too sad!!
It was a beautiful weekend and a 
Fairy Tale Wedding!
Congrats Joanna and Jacob!!!

Curlew Trip in June

 We go camping at Curlew Lake with Walt's

brothers and friends every June.  This year one of

my sisters came along. First night we stopped at 

Lincoln Rock State Park

Can you find Abraham Lincoln's face profile 
on the cliff?  Hence, the park name
          It is a beautiful park

Even Ruger, Mel's dog got to come this year.
And since we were near Wenatchee Marci and 
Bruce came up for a visit

On to Curlew Lake
We have beautiful sites right on the lake

and wide open.  So when we had a wind storm
one night the canopies all got damaged
but the guys worked their magic and fixed 
them enough that we could use them for a couple
more days

Mel and I got a 5 mile walk in every morning
on the Ferry County Rail Trail
from Black Beach Resort north to the pink
mark on the yellow trail, which is a 
trestle bridge, or south to the south end
of Curlew Lake, where it says "You are here"
each way is 2.5 miles from camp

Sometimes we let Gary and Walt come with us
if they were done fishing for the morning

Trestle bridge

View from the bridge

and on the bridge

We saw many deer crossing the trail ahead of us

Turtles and ducks on the logs in the lake

Mel is way more adventurous than I am.
One day she and Gary were going to 
Sherman Pass and took me along.
There were a lot of stops that I've never stopped
at because we are usually hauling a trailer
behind us

This is a shower house for the CCC (Civilian 
Conservation Corp) workers during the depression

Spots where some of the other buildings were in 
their camp

The shower house was located on the other side
of the river before it was moved to it's present location

Log Flume

We stopped for lunch in Kettle Falls

before returning to camp

pretty views from other Interpretive Sites

One day Walt and I took our kayak out

only when there was no wind

Pretty day on the lake

A couple of mornings we drove up to the
town of Curlew and hooked up to the 
Ferry County Rail Trail on that side of 
Curlew and walked to the old railway

It was a pretty walk along the Curlew River

Mile marker 56 
The trail at Black Beach Resort is at 
mile marker 71.  The trail goes all the way to Canada

The guys fished from the dock right in front
of camp some mornings

and caught some perch
not too big since the water was 84 degrees
the big ones were deep, so they told us

Some days we just relaxed

and some days the guys went out in Don's boat

and caught some more fish

One very hot day we went into Republic and did some
fossil digging

Gary found a nice leaf fossil

but they were few and far between

in the dry hot rock quarry

Then on to Potholes State Park

Steamboat Rock

Sunsets at the park really pretty but it was very hot there
115 degrees

It was good to get home to a little cooler weather!!
Good Times as always!

Thanks Mel for all the pictures, I stole them all from her.