Friday, October 3, 2014

Wednesdays with Ellie

October 23 - 28
After a week with Cade and Claire I went to Ellie's for a week.  Chris was in an art show and Brooke and Ellie were going to be all alone during the days, so I kept them company.  Brooke went into work on Monday so I didn't have to drive all the way home and then back on Wednesday.
So these pictures are sort of 'Wednesdays with Ellie' pictures.

 Ellie is now too long for her baby blankets, so I made a quick big girl blanket.
She gives her dolls and animals hugs a lot
I think she might be changing Bob's diaper here
I got to go to Ellie's swim lesson with her and mommy

 She even took a shower

She helped Gram make some punkamon cookies
But I guess I didn't fix her hair after her nap.Yikes!!
Help might not be the right word
We played with her play dough and she traced all these letters on top of letter cards.  She loves to spell zoo, zoom, Ellie, and Lulu

She also loves spaghetti noodles, don't they all?
Does this costume look familiar?  It was Cade's and then Claire's now Ellie is the right size to be a monkey for Halloween
'Punkamon' carving time
 A family that carves together....
See Cade not to yucky.  These pumpkins had a lot of seeds

Very Cute!!
And what would a visit be without a time for Legos?

October 1 - 2

 This week we built a tent out of their big chair
Ellie loves it 
and we played her game where you roll the cube and get
a color on top, then choose a card that color and act out what 
it says, this one said to make a horse sound 
 we also played Legos. The kids and dogs rode the school bus to the
Lego classroom.  Then Ellie started having each one come up and 
say the alphabet.  
 Even though this is a Melissa & Doug doll house it still fits the Fisher Price dolls
Bob and LuLu live in the house with their dogs, Goldie and Peyton
the Melissa & Doug people have moved out
 Ellie didn't feel very well when we were there but she still had energy to play Legos
Such a cutie

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