Thursday, March 5, 2015

Wednesdays with Ellie and Pete

Some of these pictures are from our visit the weekend of February 28 - March 1.  
Brooke and Chris are trying to get their backyard grass in so we went over to help.
Well Walt helped with the yard I helped by watching the kids so Brooke and Chris
could work outside.  The other pics are from Wednesday, March  4th.  You can tell the 
different days by Ellie's clothes but not Pete's he get's changed a lot more than her.

Ellie in her cute little tutu

Pete is smiling a lot now

Ellie is helping Pa put parmesan cheese on the tetrazzini 

well, and in her mouth

Family activities 

Pete is tracking people with his eyes now

What's Ellie doing down there?

This looks like Chris to me

Smiling at Mommy

That's what Ellie does down there!!

Another big smile

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! And getting big. Thanks for posting the pictures up, Aunt Stevi!
