Sunday, May 17, 2015

Trip to California

We went to California for Claire's 1st Communion 
on May 10th

We got there the day before and started the prep.  
She didn't know I was bring sponge rollers
She didn't even know what they were 
With her thick hair we had to put them in around 3pm 
on Saturday so her hair would be dry by morning

She was curly

and beautiful

Her head wreath
A few pictures outside before the big event

and at the Church

Going up to her 1st Communion

All done

with Monsignor Kidder

one more after at home
Changed and opened a few gifts

Then on to cake

We got to watch a couple of Cade's baseball games

Dad coaches look who preps the field

Cade playing first base


This is what Claire does at the games

Cade batted more


Claire with another sister of a ball player

I went over to the playground with them for a little while

Cade brought home his Santa Barbara Mission Project 
from school
He did an awesome job

We got some games in at home too

Cade lost. He's a dare devil

The second game was at a nice ball field

and playground

Warm up pitches

some more batting

Lost the first game Won this one!!

It's nice to get to see a couple of his games each year to
see how much he has improved


  1. Claire looked just beautiful for her First Communion. Wow her hair is gorgeous! :) Good job Grams! Cade is definitely Mr. Baseball :) It's wonderful that you get to catch some of his games. Lucky grandparents :)

  2. It is so fun to watch the kids grow up and embrace our faith. So great that you could be there for her big day. Congrats!
