Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pete's Baptism

Our newest Catholic

Helen and Vince are Pete's Godparents along with Amy
Amy could come up for the special day tho.

Pete got to keep the shell Father is using and a cloth they
used to dry his head.  Helen might even have made it 
for the church to give.

And there he is all baptized

Cute romper

Cute siblings

Cutie Pie

And Cute Family with the new grass in the back ground

His romper

I bought Ellie a cross for her wall like this at
Saint Francis of Assisi Basilica in New Mexico
Do you think I could find another one anywhere?
No,  so I bought some blocks and made Pete one
Of course most of the blocks I needed were red so I
even had to paint some of them.


  1. The cross you made looks great! I love the idea :) I can't wait to see Pete in his baptism outfit. You did a great job on it too!!
