Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Ellie & Pete's Visit

Chris is on travel for work this week so Brooke brought the kids
over to see Gram & Pa for a couple days.

Ellie found Brooke's Fisher Price doll and wanted
to play with it.  She was very careful with it

Cutie Pies

Pete is on his tummy more now.  He rolls from front to back
and back to front.  He's starting to realize he can get all the way 
to Ellie's toys

But his don't get taken away or hurt when you hit yourself 
in the face with them

He loves his tag blanket


More Cutie Pies

We went to Target and Ellie got to spend her birthday money.
She bought a veterinarian set, now all her pets can go to the  doctor

Pete got to hold Guy, but still can't hold Bob or LuLu

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