Sunday, May 22, 2016

Ballet Recital

Ellie had her first Ballet Recital on Saturday so 
Walt and I drove over early to be there for the fun

They had put up the train set again

It was great fun.  Ellie is so patient with Pete destroying
everything and running his train into hers 

She doesn't even say anything when Pete sits on the track

He's ready to go over to Helen's instead 
of the recital.  I guess he wasn't too quiet for the 

The hair prep.  There were rules to follow

Everyone was supposed to look the same



and makeup


We were not allowed to take pictures during the performance
because it would interfere with the professional 
photographer they had taping

After Ellie had already changed

so we talked her into dressing up again at home

Cutie Pie!!

Pete came home from Helen's with hand me down toys
I get a kick out of him squatting 

Some new Lego pieces with pictures of what can be built with them

Ellie looked at the cards and built them herself

She's really good at it

Didn't even bother her if she didn't have the same 
exact color Lego piece

Pete took a book over to Pa for some one on one

Fun Day!!