Monday, December 19, 2016

Hoem Christmas Together

Walt's family has been getting together before Christmas for
a family dinner.  With all the kids getting older and the 
families getting bigger it's hard to get everyone together on
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day so this has worked out
for the last couple years.
 Arin inherited this Norwegian sweated from Walt's dad.  It's a beautiful
sweater and fit her so well
 Some of the grandkids, Trever on the left with his back to us,
Boston at the table with him.  Colby way in the back
sitting down Cody standing.  Ally in the pink talking to Fayth
 Pete got his dinner
 Adam and Brooke chatting
 Hard to take pictures without getting into peoples faces.
 Santa showed up.  Ellie and Pete aren't too excited about him
But since he brought presents they tolerated him for a minute.

I didn't take very many pictures.  I don't like staged pictures and
it was a little dark to take any far away.  These few will help me
remember the day.  :o)

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