Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pete turns 2

Pete turned 2 years old the end of January
We went over to celebrate
 Lining up all the peeps to get in the bus stop
 and lining up all the cars around the coffee table
 We went to the Children's Museum in Everett to celebrate 
the occasion.  It was a nice day so the outside floor was open
 Hard to get Pete out of the 'rubber dirt' area
 Hard to get him out of any kind of dirt area
 Bumpy car rides are always a hit

 Not so much on the ones that don't move

 The water room took up most of the time there
 Put the balls in and they suck up the pipe and 
across the ceiling and drop down into some kind of 
water tub.
 Scarves sailing around the tubes on the wall and then
blowing out different openings onto the floor
 Driving a bus was fun or looking at the headlights
whichever you prefer
 Can't go home without a story in the story room upstairs
Pictures were taken
 Presents were opened

 and cupcakes were frosted
and Last but not Least 
Candles were lit

Happy 2nd Birthday, Pete!!
Thanks for a fun day

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2nd Birthday Pete! Such a cute little guy :) Looks like a fantastic place to celebrate the day!
