Friday, May 18, 2018

New Flooring ... Done

We have finally finished our floors!!
Have a look
Hallway with the carpet
New vinyl planks
Old carpet in the living room
New floor
 Dining room with the old linoleum before carpet 
New floor partially done
Outdoor dining for four days
Luckily the weather cooperated
 Old bathroom linoleum before the oak look linoleum
Now the bathroom matches the rest of the floors
Top of the stairs looking down the hall with carpet
 Then the old linoleum on the landing at the front door
New flooring at the top of the stairs and the landing
 Looking down the hall toward the bathroom from the office
 New kitchen floors
And the view of the living room and dining room
The door into the garage at the bottom of the 
stairs looked a little drab
No More!!

Now for the base boards, never ending!!
Glad to be back together tho.