Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Fun in August

Brooke and her family were going to Mammoth
CA for a reunion with Chris' family so Brooke
thought it would be a good opportunity to spend
some time with Amy's family.  She asked if I would
ride down with her since Chris didn't have that much
leave.  Then I would fly home and Chris would
fly down to go to Mammoth.  
 There was a blue tint in the clouds on the way down
kind of weird
The kids enjoying the hotel after a nice swim
 Smoke so heavy we couldn't see Mt Shasta until we
were right beside it

After flew home we went to Scenic Beach for our
annual campout
We had to rig the canopy so it wouldn't fall in on us
The guys went into town and bought new canopies for next year
We could actually have a fire until the last night

After Scenic Beach we headed to Idaho
to attend Michelle and Kennedy's renewal of
their wedding vows taken in January
Brooke and family came up from Mammoth to be there
and while the wedding prep was going on we
went out and enjoyed Idaho
The overlook to the Snake River Canyon

Perrine Bridge is the only man-made structure in the US to
allow BASE jumping year around without a permit
 Green parachute just below the bottom
of the bridge supports

 We saw about 5 people jump
Then on to Centennial Park to kayak
 and paddle board

 Ellie wanted to paddle
did pretty well
 and swim

Thinking about it

finally got in
Pete didn't want to be outdone
 The day after the wedding we had time to go to
Shoshone Falls.  All the trips to Idaho and we'd
never been there before.  I bet it's gorgeous in the
Spring maybe even better than Niagara Falls
Then Mel and Gary hosted a family BBQ
with some pool time

 and Corn Hole championships

The little kids ate!!

Fun Time...Thanks Mel and Gary for a great weekend

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Michelle and Kennedy's renewal of their Vows

We had a whirlwind August
After our annual week at Scenic Beach 
we came home for one night, repacked
the trailer, and headed to Idaho
to attend Michelle and Kennedy's
Renewal of Their Vows and Reception
 Dad giving away the Bride
Michelle and Kennedy restating their vows

 The Newlyweds
In the Limo
Let the party begin!!
All the traditional pics

Marci (her sister) made the cake topper
She's so talented!

 Families danced
Others entertained themselves other ways
Ethan liked the lights
Mother and Daughters
Marci, Mel, Michelle, and Rachel
 Rachel's family
Taylor, Rachel, Ethan, David, and Elise
Marci's family
Araya, Randy, Kaylee, Marci, and Triniti

It was a great celebration and good seeing
all the relatives and friends!!