Saturday, August 25, 2018

Michelle and Kennedy's renewal of their Vows

We had a whirlwind August
After our annual week at Scenic Beach 
we came home for one night, repacked
the trailer, and headed to Idaho
to attend Michelle and Kennedy's
Renewal of Their Vows and Reception
 Dad giving away the Bride
Michelle and Kennedy restating their vows

 The Newlyweds
In the Limo
Let the party begin!!
All the traditional pics

Marci (her sister) made the cake topper
She's so talented!

 Families danced
Others entertained themselves other ways
Ethan liked the lights
Mother and Daughters
Marci, Mel, Michelle, and Rachel
 Rachel's family
Taylor, Rachel, Ethan, David, and Elise
Marci's family
Araya, Randy, Kaylee, Marci, and Triniti

It was a great celebration and good seeing
all the relatives and friends!!


  1. Thank you for making the trip and all of your help! Walt too with the wiring ;)! Love you!

  2. Great shots of everyone. So much love. And, those family pictures ... Aunt Mel's grandkids are getting so big!!
