Monday, March 25, 2019

Quilts 2019

I've been busy making snuggle quilts for the new
babies due this year!
I had a lot of flannels left over from previous
babies so I cut them into rectangles and made a
small snuggle quilt out of them by adding soft
minky dotted blanket material to the back and around
to the front to make the border
 Cassie (Rory's wife) due in April  4th baby
  Michelle (Mel's daughter) due in May  First baby
Kristin (the daughter of my friend from our days in Hawaii 
now living in Mississippi's first grandbaby) due in June  
 Brynn (our friend's daughter)  due in August  2nd baby
You can tell which found out the sex of their baby and
which don't want to know!!

Walt's sister-in-law, Karen, asked me a long time
ago if would make their daughter's baseball T-shirts
into a quilt.  I'm now finished with it!

 I quilted it myself, the most complex one I've done.
Usually they are straight lines across and down making 
squares or rectangles, or on a diagonal making diamonds.
It was pretty fun!!
 Some of the T-shirts had small decals on the front left shoulder
so I put them on the back of the quilt
Signing of the quilt :o)

1 comment:

  1. You have been busy! They look beautiful! :) Such talent :)!
