Monday, May 27, 2019

Ellie & Pete Mix

We were at Brooke's one day when Ellie had Ballet
so I went along to watch
 Always working on something
 Ellie on the right
 In front
 Such good form
 I'm taking pics thru glass so they are a little foggy

 Tooooo cute!!
Ellie is in the middle with the black scarf

Brooke and family came over here for Mother's Day
and we went on a hike in Poulsbo

 It ended up being a short hike so we headed to the
 for Donuts

and a walk on the boardwalk

Another visit was to see Ellie's Ballet Recital
 Beautiful day and ballerina

Active little boy!

We went to Wenatchee to see Marci & Bruce
 and went over to see Kerri's 'Farm'
 Sam filling the water bottle for the...

 Their new colt, 'Lance'
 He was hard to get a picture of.  He wanted to hide 
behind his mom
 And when he was out in the open he was bouncing all over
 They have the new batch of pigs for the fair
 We also went over to pick up a lawn mower for Brooke 
and Chris that Bruce was getting rid of 
 The kids liked it....maybe they'll do the mowing
 But then again they liked the utility trailer too
So who knows???

Fun May with all the running around

1 comment:

  1. Great pics of Ellie in ballet, and then all dressed for her recital. Looks like she is really enjoying dance!:) Like her mom :). And Pete is letting you take his picture?! Growing right up! You've been busy. . .a good busy. Love you and yours.
