Saturday, February 1, 2020

Pete turns 5

Pete's Birthday was on Monday.  He
didn't have school that day and Ellie
was out of school for a Teacher In Service 
Day.  So we celebrated his birthday 
on the actual day

 First thing tho...Ellie entered a car
in her Cub Scout Pinewood Derby and won
2nd place out of about 50 entries in grades K-5.
Tiny car (blue) but it has to be a certain 
weight and size

Pete chose to go to Mini Golf for his birthday.
Grammy and Gramps came up from San Diego 
to help celebrate
 'Golf' might mean playing in the water with your putter
They did play all 18 holes tho
 Pete had an audience
Great form
 Pete loves to have his picture taken ... NOT
 as you can see
 Candid shots are best
 but he can be a bit wiggly
  The packing material
always seems to be the biggest hit
What a mess
Pete frosted his cupcakes with Ellie's help
 Then he picked the one he wanted
 Another "Smile for the camera" picture 
 Ellie loves her picture taken and will have 
a lot of pictures of her cute face to remember 
in her later years
Pete ... not so much

Happy 5th Birthday Pete!!

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