Thursday, May 28, 2020

Haircuts All Around

After 3 months without haircuts we ventured over
to Brooke's so Walt could get one.  If Pa is getting
a haircut Pete wants one too.  
 Much needed
 You get the goofy face because that is the best 
one out of the bunch.
 Pa needed one too!!
Much better.  Thanx Brooke!!
 and so did the Rhodies
Hard to tell the difference since this picture is 
closer than the first shot.  But you can see the ferns 
are uncovered and the height on the rhodie on the 
right is lower.  That's what I was going for...lower
Aaah I tried to get a new pic in the same spot but maybe
I got too far away this time.  You'll have to use your

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