Saturday, January 2, 2021

Christmas 2020

 I wasn't supposed to have any of the kids this year

but Brooke and Chris decided it would be best

not to travel to San Diego with kids and airplanes

so they came to our house instead.

We started right off making Christmas cookies 

see whose working

and whose eating?

Then into the games
One of the days we decided to go on a hike our near
Kitsap Lake at Ueland Tree Farm Trails
We opted for the 3.5 mile hike to a waterfall
I hope it's bigger than this
Family picture break
BIG culvert
Dickerson Creek Waterfall

There is a beaver dam to the right of Ellie in the 
No one wanted to walk through
so I could get a picture
There were a lot of huckleberries still
on the bushes
Some more games came out
Then we decided to make Gingerbread Houses
only using frosted Pop Tarts

Yummy front door
and Santa's landing strip on the roof

and a little snow
Cute...girl and house
even the boy and his house
They did an excellent job!!
Christmas morning before the disaster

And then the projects began
Pete got a truck and motorcycle
Lego set

Ellie started making her bubble bath bombs

Fund things to make
even an archeological dig
and Robots to put together 

We had a great time with the kids.
Missed those California kids tho!

Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the pics! Your tree looks beautiful. The hike looks like a good one :) I like the the poptart Christmas houses too, ours did theirs with graham crackers. Thanks for posting, love your family pics!
