Thursday, February 25, 2021

Finishing up Pete's Birthday

At Pete's birthday we got a list of supplies to buy for
the climbing wall.  When we went home we made a 
run to Home Depot to get all the stuff on the list and
took it back over the following weekend to celebrate
Brooke's birthday and build the wall.
The kids painted the boards in camo colors so the wall
would blend into the woods instead of sticking out like
a sore thumb.
With a little help.
Nice Job!!
Both sides, of course!
We did stop to make a birthday cake
and getting ready for a new brother
Happy Birthday, Brooke
Then the next weekend we came over to finish
up the wall with holes for the holds
Lots of help on that end
and putting the framework on
wiping the lines off

and the install

putting on the holds
in just the right places
and there you have a 
Climbing Wall
both sides are fun!!


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