Thursday, February 10, 2022

Christmas 2021

 I'm way behind in my updating.  Sorry!!!
All the kids and grandkids where here for Christmas

We watched 'The Grinch' and 'Ice Age'
Cozy Claire

                                                                  Christmas morning

                                      And then a couple days after Christmas the snow came as
                              it has done quite often when Amy's family comes up in the winter

                                                                       All participated
                                        for awhile...then I went inside and took pics from the 
                                                                 living room window 
                                                     Even Lander got to go out and enjoy it
                                   Pete took his remote control car out to see what it could do
                                              Looks like Claire got hit by a snowball or two
                                                                     Dinners were fun!

                                                                   Cousins are the best!!
                                               Ellie made me a sleigh before all went home
                                                Another wonderful Christmas on the books
                                                       Love to ALL and Happy New Year!!

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