Thursday, July 13, 2023

Cade's Graduation

We made yet another trip to California
for Cade's graduation.  A very good reason
to go!

The seniors get to have a parade down the street
where the high school sets.  The whole
town comes out
The kids ride in the back of whatever they
can find.  Fill the backend with water
and squirt the bystanders.  It was really
hot so it was welcomed
Cade decided to ride his motorcycle

and picked a good view to go behind
Then on Friday night was the graduation
in the high school stadium.  We thought we were
going to be early.  Four deep all the way in front of the 
school, turn to the right and all the way thru the 
parking lot to the stadium gate
We ended up getting seats at the very end of the shaded
side of the stands. But they ended up at the best end for 
the ceremony

Cade...two right of the lady in white
Class of 600  Can you see him? Fourth row from the
back on the left.  Yes we waited for all of them to 
get their names called and get their diplomas
Cade...fourth from the left turned talking to his friend
There he is getting his diploma...behind the white flag
Bad picture taking Gram
and off he goes
Brother and sister
Proud family
Payton is a friend from Kindergarten. Actually before,
her mom and Amy were teaching partners before the
kids started school
His partners in crime
Whoop!  Whoop!!

Congratulations Cade!  We are very proud of all 
you have accomplished so far. Can't wait to see what
is coming for you next. 
We Love You!!

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