Monday, December 29, 2014


Since Brooke's doctor didn't want her traveling within 30 days of her due date they went to San Diego earlier in December and were able to come to Gram & Pa's house for Christmas.
We Loved It!!

We not only had to play Candyland but Bob, LuLu, and Guy had to play too

Christmas Eve on the way to Mass

Christmas morning.  Looks early but it was around 8

Great Grampa Hoem & Fran came for dinner
Four Generations

Ellie caught on to this angel climbing the rope to the ceiling very quickly

Amy sent me these pictures of the kids in their pajama's I made for them.
They were really into Dumb and Dumber when they came up for Thanksgiving

Cade said they wore the pj's all day Christmas and it must have gone on
into the next day too while playing their new Clue game

Claire looks stylin'

1 comment:

  1. I love Ellie's concentration at raising the angel :) And the tuxedo pjs are fantastic!!! I'm always amazed at your creations!
