Thursday, December 18, 2014

Trip to California

After Thanksgiving we headed down to California to see Cade's last tournament on his select baseball team, and it was his actual birthday that weekend too!

These kids are getting so grown up.  Claire made us all
sandwiches to take to the ball game

Cade played right field for a while and some at first base

And he pitched in the last game of four

Claire amuses herself

Team pep talk after the tournament. They won 2 out of 4 games

Such a cutie!!

The stars on the back of his cap are performance awards,
like if you have a good play in a game or do well at practice the coach gives
them out.  Cade's a dedicated player

1 comment:

  1. Cade is a "natural"! Congratulations to him on a great baseball season!! Claire is very entertaining :) I'm looking forward to seeing both of them this summer!
