Monday, February 23, 2015

A Weekend with Ellie and Pete

Brooke and Chris wanted to get some stuff down around the house this weekend
so we went over to help.  Walt helped clean gutters, do some wiring, etc.
I watched the kids so Brooke could go outside too.

It was a hard job but I persevered.  Pete sleeps really long as he's being held. Wouldn't you?
And since it's so fun to hold him we both win

Ellie is a big help in the kitchen.  This weekend
she helped with Corn Casserole 

She loves Corn Casserole as much before it's 
cooked as after

Got more smiles out of Pete this time

He's a keeper

We even got to be there for a bath night
He loves his mommy

Sleeping in the bouncy seat

And he does cry sometimes too.

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