Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wednesday with Ellie AND Pete

Even tho Brooke is not going into the office, Walt and
I went over on Wednesday anyway.  After all it was
Brooke's birthday!!  Ya, and we got to see Ellie and Pete.

Pete sleeps good if he's fed, dry, and being held

Ellie and I made Mommy's birthday cake.  We only 
made half since there were only 5 of us eating it.  This
way she can save the other half when someone comes
over to see Pete.  :o)

Not sure how much frosting actually got on the cake 
but I guess if the cake is covered it's all good.


Then Ellie helped me make cornbread to 
go with the chili for dinner

She didn't like the taste of that as much

Pete was awake a lot of the time 

Ellie's very helpful

Whose birthday was it again!!

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