Monday, April 6, 2015


Amy and the kids came up for part of their Spring Break.  Easter just happened to 
fall right in the middle this year.  They also came up to meet Pete.
It seems more times than not when Amy is here it snows, this time we got hail

Like they'd never seen hail before

Well maybe not this big

Too funny!

No visit to Gram's is complete without a trip to Dairy Queen

Then we headed to Brooke's so Claire could hold Pete
and Pete could get to know his cousins

Warmed up to Auntie Amy right away

And of course Ellie time!

Pete's talking and smiling more every time we see him

Then we came home for a day to give Brooke and Chris a break
and took the kids to the Naval Museum on the waterfront

Claire found a flight suit like Grampa used to wear

They got to see how the sailors slept on a submarine

and tried not to get ejected from a plane on the deck of an aircraft carrier

 Great-Grampa ~ a Four Generation picture

Then back over to Brooke's for Claire's birthday celebration

Everyone pitched in

Happy Birthday (early) Claire!!

I made her doll a replica of her 1st Communion dress

They all enjoyed the cupcake slippers and ice cream

But not Pete.  But he was enjoying something

Auntie Amy got some Ellie and Pete time in

We went to the Museum of Flight
The kids had a blast :)

There are all kinds of attractions

A cute picture of Pete at home again

Dying Easter eggs with cousins

Doing a good job

Easter morning after Mass

And then they were done
You can only get them to sit still so long

And then the Easter Egg Hunt in Brooke
and Chris' yard

One last cuddle with Pete

before heading home


  1. I just love looking at the pictures you post. They definitely tell a story, and what a fabulous story :) Your grandkids are making such wonderful memories. Loved each picture!!

  2. What a great holiday, Aunt Stevi! So glad you had everyone there!
