Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekend with Ellie & Pete

After Easter we went on the trip to Monterey 
so we hadn't seen Ellie and Pete in almost 3 weeks.
Brooke and Chris are putting in a sprinkler system
and asked if we could help....hence the next group of pictures.
You don't have to ask us twice

Pete's now 3 months old

He didn't take any time to warm up to us again

Just chatted away

Ellie's 2 years 10 months

Ellie helped Gram make pancakes one morning
Here she had gotten some flour on the counter so 
she was cleaning it off

Stirring with a smile

Of course, the eating part

Pete's a good smiler, too!

Getting big

So many expressions

He loves his sister.  He smiles every time she looks at him

And when she's not, he just looks at her

He likes to look at books and zebras

Lego Time!!

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