Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ellie & Pete

After our vacations it was time for a trip to Seattle
Lots going on over there
Ellie's 3 years old and Pete's now 8 months old

Ellie was watching Pa cut down some bushes in the front yard

Pete has started scooting across the floor

He gets over to something and pulls himself up

and walks around that

He keeps himself amused pretty well
But you have to keep an eye on him

Ellie starts ballet this month

But she wouldn't do any of the positions for me standing up

So I got some pics of her doing them laying down

Funny Girl

Pete just scoots along and climbs up where ever he can

He crosses his legs like Charlie does 
he's learning dog tricks

He's a good eater

Even signs 'more' & 'milk'
waves bye bye too

But Ellie knows how to sign 'more' the right way she said  :o)


  1. Oh my gosh Stevi, they are adorable!! And congrats to Claire and Cade :)

  2. I think I remember a picture of Brooke in a tutu like Ellie! Too cute!!

    1. I think you're right Lisa. I can kind of see Brooke in that one picture!!
