Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Day with Ellie & Pete

When we left home it was blue sky and sunny.  When we 
turned off the freeway at Brooke's it was foggy.
We played in the house in the morning

Dress up time I guess

The two of them were playing 'Library', picking out books
and putting them in a bag for me

Pa got some play time in too

Pete even climbs on blocks if they are on the floor

Wacky straw

Pete does pretty well at feeding himself
(14 months now)

New sand we brought back from Bandon for the tub

We played out there on the lawn with the sand for
a couple hours

Strawberries for dessert.  Ellie is a big helper

Pete loves them 

Ellie and the sour cream from dinner

Oh My!!

That's what Pete thinks too!

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