Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Amy and the kids were on Spring Break the week
before and after Easter so they headed up to 
Washington.  Yeah!!
 Claire has been trying on dresses from the 
closets at my house.  My wedding dress
 Granny's wedding dress
 The muumuu I made when we lived in Hawaii
She might be able to find some school dance 
dresses in there to save some money in high school
 Pete and Ellie (& Brooke) came over and Auntie Amy
had Pete's birthday present.  Claire decorated the box
 Group effort putting it together
Pete took some time to warm up
 but he finally did
Slam Dunk!!
 Claire was a little scary
 We moved the hoop down the hall
 and Pete lined the magnets up on the fridge
 Dinner before Brooke headed home
Claire's 10th birthday was on Thursday so we went
to Tony's for Pizza
 Had enough nice weather for some basketball

 a motorcycle ride
 and a crash and burn
Time to relax
Brooke's 'Mom's group' put on an Easter
Egg hunt for the neighborhood so we went
over to join in
 Pete wasn't to happy
 but he got a little better
 He's at that stage where
he doesn't want anyone to take a picture of him
 Ellie even liked the Easter Bunny
 Off to Ellie's age group hunt
She did great
We spent the night at Brooke's so we could dye eggs
and go to church together Easter morning
but first we celebrated Claire's birthday with
cupcakes and ice cream
 Then they dyed eggs
 Pete wasn't too sure about that either
 but he warmed up fast enough to get some eggs
in the dye before they were all done

 Beautiful Eggs
 Only before Mass can any of this happen
It was a long wait

Tried to get a picture of the four of them outside
the church with the flowering trees but Pete wasn't
 So we got a good one of the three older kids
 We practiced hunting for eggs at Brooke's house on Saturday
so when we got to Helen's on Easter Pete was a pro
 Claire opted not to hunt for eggs and just have the
trampoline to herself
 Cade, however, made a killing
 All the kids at Helen's...what a group
 Another try at all four grandkids together
and then back to Gram's house
What a week!!

Loved having everyone (except Andrew) together !!


  1. Wonderful pictures! Loved Claire's dress up gowns :) I remember when Brooke didn't like her picture taken at that age :) Special times!

  2. How lovely to have everyone home for Easter! When you wear our the big kids, you know you had a good weekend!!
