Sunday, April 9, 2017

Time for a Gram fix

After being gone a month on the Spring Training trip
we had to go over to Brooke's for a grandkids fix
Ellie said she missed us and she said Pete said he missed us too
Pete snuggling down on the couch 
 He's feeding his kitty, Pounce
 I don't have to do a lot to play with them.  Pete drives
the ambulance around and says, "Zoom", I make
the siren noise and Pete looks up a little scared by that sound
and says, "Actually they say zoom, Gram"
So much for Gram helping out
 Ellie's a hard worker

 The weather cooperated and we went outside
for a couple hours.  Of course, you have to play
in the water even if it's cold out
 Pete informed me that this cup leaks
 Took a trail walk to see if the creek was still running
It wasn't!  I guess the rain had stopped long enough for
it to dry up
 Off to the front of the house and scooters and bikes were ridden

 Ellie is good at posing for pictures
 Pete is good at picking up after himself outside
 Nothing like a good rock pile to sit on
and water to drink outside
We had a good time!!
They are getting so big

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