Saturday, October 28, 2017

Visit to see the California Grandkids

While Walt's hunting I jetted off to California to 
see Amy and her family.  They are usually booked
solid with baseball and other activities, but this time
was kind of an unusually laid back week.
 Cade and his friend were making Spanish masks for
their Spanish class.  This one is of Cade that his
friend made 
 and this one is of his friend that Cade had to make.
They had to sand them down and paint them still
Cade got sick while I was there and they didn't get 
the masks finished until after I got home.  
So no picture of the finished product!
 They watch TV a little strange in California
 not just boys either
 This is Payton's cozy spot while we are at the table
doing homework or playing games
 Sometimes it's harder to play cards than other times
 "Come on Cade, get done with your homework so
we can play."
 Lots going on right here at home
 Amy cuts Cade's hair and Payton's

 One day while we were out, we came home to Payton
stuck behind the cushion on the couch.  Don't know 
how long he was there, or if he only found out he
was stuck when he tried to get up to greet us
 She even clips nails, what a gal
 Cade making muffins for breakfast

 When Cade gets off the computer I guess it's Payton's turn
Had a great time! (Even if I caught Cade's cold)
Masks finished  Yeah!!

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