Friday, January 5, 2018

Christmas 2017

We were blessed to have our whole family home
for Christmas this year.  Amy, Andrew, Cade,
Claire, and even Payton came up after work 
on theThursday before.  
They stopped in Southern Oregon over night
Payton was in Seventh Heaven at the hotel
  Brooke, Chris, Ellie, Pete, and Charlie came over Saturday
 Helen and her family came over to see everyone
So I put them all to work, decorating my cookies
 Lex, Giulianna, and Cade
 Cade, Claire, and Ellie hard at work
Cutest cookies ever
 Anthony, Helen, Vince, Lex, and Giulianna
 Claire had to make one that looked like Grampa
 Santa dropped by when the whole crowd was here
 But not one kid would sit on his lap
How Sad!!
 Ellie got the closest
But Pete was hiding in the back bedroom
 So Walt and I cozied up to him and his 
cute elf
Cousins got some electronic time waiting for the snow
 When we went into Mass it was flurrying
 When we came out there was at least an inch of snow
Yup, that's where it's coming from, Pete
 Amy, Andrew, Cade, and Claire
 Brooke, Chris, Ellie, and Pete
Christmas morning

 Not too messy
 Football on TV upstairs 
The Grinch on TV downstairs
 Actually Ellie got the Legos for Christmas
and she did put this together, but these guys
had to do the inspection
 While this guy was outside, the snow pretty much gone
At Brooke's house there was 4" of snow
We decided next time we'll have Christmas at 
Brooke's if snow is predicted
 I don't think Ellie had to use this tool for the Legos
But that could have been a present all by itself
Pete loved the drill 
Ellie and Pete made this pretty tree
 And they all helped eat it
 Cousin time

Auntie Amy time
 These Stacking Cups were a hit too
 We made a trip to Seattle waterfront
 and Ivar's of course
 Then Cade wanted to check out the North Face Store
Pete liked it
 Ellie had fun of her own
  Claire can always find a quiet niche for herself
 We found if we asked Pete to show us his eyes we
could get a fairly good picture of him
but if we asked for a "Big Smile" this is what we got.
Right Claire?
Brothers and Sisters play together pretty well
Ellie's reading Pete a story
He loves stories
 We had a few late nights with this game too!!
I loved every minute of the chaos,  :o)

Merry Christmas
Hope you all have a Happy New Year!!

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