Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Brooke's Birthday

This doesn't look much like Brooke's birthday
but it really is.  The kids frosted and decorated
her cake, which I didn't get pictures of for 
some reason.  Then we made dinner for Mommy
 Cornbread to go with the yummy chili

 The kids played at fridge while I made everything else
They must have played here for half an hour
Brooke, Chris, and Walt were moving the ceiling light
from in front of the closet to the middle of the room,
in both kids bedrooms
 The kids and I played all day

We played car repair at one point
This is Ellie's message to the owner of the cars.
She has improved so much in her writing, spaces
between words really helps.  Her first report card 
came home this week.  She is actually participating
in class more and of course above average in her reading
and writing.  Good Job Ellie!

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