Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bandon, Oregon

When we got home we found our cactus from
Ridgecrest in bloom.  I thought it took years to
get a blossom.  It only lasts one day, so it was 
amazing we were there to see it

Three days home and then off to 
Bandon, Oregon
 The weather was great
Sunny and calm in the mornings
and some days it would pick up wind
in the evenings, but other nights were 
calm also
 We had a couple fires with 

 Pretty view from the deck of the cabin

 and games.
The big kids played KanJam on the Beach

 the little kids explored the beach with Auntie Amy 
and Peyton
 Amy, Andrew, Cade, and Claire
 Brooke, Chris, Ellie, and Pete
 More climbing
 and exploring

 The FBI watching over things

 The log is about 4 feet of the ground

 and about 10 ft long 
 caves to explore

We had great weather so we could be out
on the beach every day before lunch and 
after lunch and again in the evenings. 
The one day it rained we explored 
Old Town Bandon and the 
Face Rock Creamery

Good Times!!  Can't wait 'til 2020!

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