Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ellie turns 7

After our Curlew and MarDon fishing trip
we came home for three days to celebrate
the 4th of July and most importantly
Ellie's 7th Birthday
 We went to the Museum of Flight in Seattle

 The kids loved anything they could get into

 In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the 
Apollo Moon Walk they had an exhibit about it
Not too much fun for the little ones but us older
kids remembered it all too well
 Back to Ellie's house for the presents
and the disaster
 then cake
and candles
 Ellie chose the colors, helped decorate
and ate it.  She didn't eat all of this that night
but got the rest for breakfast the next day
Flour, Eggs, milk  what more do you need?

Happy 7th Birthday, Ellie!!

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