Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Weekend with Ellie and Pete

Brooke and Chris wanted to take a backpacking
trip into the Cascades without the kids.  That 
way they could hike in farther and see some 
things higher up.  So we watched the kids and
they went on the Lost Creek Ridge trail to
see Glacier Peak, Camp Lake, and Byrne Lake.
Ellie had a busy schedule with her first
First Communion Class and soccer the same 
morning.  And, of course, I didn't take the camera
so you just get to see the other things we did
 Like putting together some Paw Patrol pets
 Very detailed
 and cute at the end, Rubble!!
 Pete loves their railroad tracks.  First instruction
is, "Make a crazy 8 Gram"  then, "add on some
sides, oh, and a bridge
Then while Ellie and I were at her Communion class
Pa got more instructions, "Add a road and another bridge"
 Movie night with Pa includes popcorn
 When we got home from the soccer game
I took a quick picture
 Deer in the back yard a couple afternoons

 We made a trip to the school so the kids 
could ride bikes (and scooter) and play on the equipment

 They are crazy kids.  They play together 
really well.

Always a fun weekend with Grandkids
Big or small!!

1 comment:

  1. They are getting so big! Pretty cute grandkids you have there Stevi :)!
