Thursday, January 28, 2016

Pete's 1st Birthday

Pete turned 1 year old 
Neither of the kids felt well, typical winter
stuffy noses and slight fevers, but celebrations are
fun anyway
Love those 3 year old smiles

Big sisters get to help with the present opening

Brooke had to keep reminding Ellie to bring the present
over so Pete could help

He loved the boots and shoes
he put his foot out to put them on

Birthday Boy!

The cake was okay

Ellie was ready for some with ice cream

The lemon sorbet was a little tart

Ellie liked this duck, when you pushed it around
it's feet and wings flapped 

Charlie liked it even more.  He either wanted to herd it
or eat it

Pete liked pulling this alligator around too.

ONE, hard to believe!!
Happy Birthday, Pete

Monday, January 25, 2016

A Weekend with Ellie & Pete

We went over to Brooke's so Walt could help Chris with 
the office to guest room project

Brooke decided to learn to sew.
She's starting out with banners for Pete's room
Ellie sits on her feet like her Daddy

She's helping too

The wall is in

The door to the hall is in

The pocket door to the kitchen is ready to go in

Pete stacked about 10 of these block before they fell

He likes carrying trays of stuff 

Ellie and Gram build a tent

The temporary bed/trampoline in the guest room

The kids needed to use up some energy so we
marched around the circle
Pete is between Ellie and me

Charlie wasn't sure what was happening
he tried herding us in tho

Another day of sewing

and vacuuming

but it was a good day to get outside too

Their path has water in the creek bed

Then on to the sand tub

Fun Times!!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

On to Palm Springs

After Scott's Retirement Party Walt and I headed
to Palm Springs to visit Don and Mickie at their condo

This is their view outside their back door

They have fruit trees all over the grounds
grapefruit, oranges, and lemons

It was nice enough to sit outside in the sun and play card
by the pool

Can you find the cell tower?

more camouflaged cell towers

Palm Springs with the Angeles Mts (I think) in the background

Our drive home on Thursday thru Mt. Shasta area

and the Siskiyous was a little snowy along the sides
of the road but not bad on the road.  Maybe a little slushy
at times

Scott's Retirement

Scott invited all of us to his retirement party in 
Ridgecrest and surprisingly we all made it

Marci came from Wenatchee, WA
Di came from Florence, AZ
Mel came from Filer, ID
and me 

The party was a big bash of over 300 people
Di, Erin, Ryan, Carl, and Joyce

Mel and Gary

One of three "Family" tables

Erin and her newest nephew, Scott Ray, 8 days old

Another "Family" table
Katie, Matt, Chris, Brooke, Lindsay, Monte

Daddy, Rory, and Scottie

Monte and Bruce having a heart to heart

Scott's Roast

He got a lot of awards
from the community of Ridgercrest to

 the Department of the Navy,
for his 43 years of service at the weapons center

And  a write up too!

Scott even got to make a speech

Scott has a 1978 Ford truck he drives to work. 
He received this bench from the school district's STEM program, made out of a tailgate 
with a plaque that has all his kids graduations dates from the local high school
It now sits in his back yard

Scott coordinated a tour of the base for us the day after the pary

We couldn't take pictures anywhere except at lunch

The base people took this picture of us and emailed it to us
We were in an area with chemicals and stuff so we 
had to wear coats and goggles

They thought Finn looked like the Mad Scientist

That evening Ruth and Scott hosted dinner for our family
A mere 30 people the other 30 couldn't make it down 
for the weekend.  They were all missed!!

Some of the cousins playing at the bar

The bench already in use
by cousins and second cousins alike

Scott's ski lift swing with Amare

Isla and Daddy, Ryan

The five of us first time together in 10 years

The older cousins

second cousins building tents

Good food, good wine, good company

Bennett, Liam, and Ellie

Scottie, 9 days old, with Mommy, Cassie

Ellie and Pete playing in the hotel

We had a great time and we were glad to be included!!
Thank you Scott and Ruth for having all of us.