Monday, January 25, 2016

A Weekend with Ellie & Pete

We went over to Brooke's so Walt could help Chris with 
the office to guest room project

Brooke decided to learn to sew.
She's starting out with banners for Pete's room
Ellie sits on her feet like her Daddy

She's helping too

The wall is in

The door to the hall is in

The pocket door to the kitchen is ready to go in

Pete stacked about 10 of these block before they fell

He likes carrying trays of stuff 

Ellie and Gram build a tent

The temporary bed/trampoline in the guest room

The kids needed to use up some energy so we
marched around the circle
Pete is between Ellie and me

Charlie wasn't sure what was happening
he tried herding us in tho

Another day of sewing

and vacuuming

but it was a good day to get outside too

Their path has water in the creek bed

Then on to the sand tub

Fun Times!!

1 comment:

  1. Those grandkids of yours are just darling. Love the pic of Ellie sitting next to her mommy :) And good for Brooke!
