Thursday, January 28, 2016

Pete's 1st Birthday

Pete turned 1 year old 
Neither of the kids felt well, typical winter
stuffy noses and slight fevers, but celebrations are
fun anyway
Love those 3 year old smiles

Big sisters get to help with the present opening

Brooke had to keep reminding Ellie to bring the present
over so Pete could help

He loved the boots and shoes
he put his foot out to put them on

Birthday Boy!

The cake was okay

Ellie was ready for some with ice cream

The lemon sorbet was a little tart

Ellie liked this duck, when you pushed it around
it's feet and wings flapped 

Charlie liked it even more.  He either wanted to herd it
or eat it

Pete liked pulling this alligator around too.

ONE, hard to believe!!
Happy Birthday, Pete

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