Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ellie & Pete visit Gram & Pa

Brooke and the kids came over for Brooke's 20 year class reunion
so we got to watch the kids for the evening
 I decided it was a good time to paint their feet :o)
 We'll make the feet into airplanes when they dry
 Pete sits on the trike for a minute or two then says, "stuck"
 The go cart is still popular

 Good place for cows and goats
 They wanted spaghetti for dinner
 Great Gramma Hoem's doll buggy got its exercise
 back and forth down the hall
 bringing out all the stuffed animals
 Pete plays with whatever Ellie has out
 and somethings that are just there
Fun time.  
Thanks for the visit!!

1 comment:

  1. They are just darling! I love the smile on Pete's face as he got his foot painted :) Looks like they had a grand time!!
