Friday, June 17, 2016

Hoem Made Quilts by: Stevi

Brooke's first quilt, hence, the ties

My bed, also tied

Amy's house in Moraga, CA
I made two of these checkered twin size quilts, Yikes!! 

Danae's family quilt 

My spare room
"Around the World"

Brooke saved all her T-shirts and we decided to make a 
quilt with them all

High School, volunteer, drill team, vacations
you name it she had a t-shirt

Top left corner is a t-shirt she saved from her 6th grade
trip to Fort Flagler

Cade's A's quilt

Cade's blue and red quilt

Joey's Crown Royal quilt made
with Crown Royal bags

Arin's family quilt

DJ's family quilt

Kerri's family quilt

my jeans rag quilt

Katie's family quilt

Boston's baby quilt
before I figured out how to do lettering

Another rag quilt with flannel

Helen's family quilt

Marci's family quilt
Claire's baby quilt

Monte's family quilt

Amy wanted some baseball quilts for friends

and this one

So I made one for Adam's family quilt

 Michelle wanted a Cars quilt for Boston

and Karen wanted one for Trever

A bigger quilt for Claire

Erin's family quilt

Rachel's family quilt out of 
restoration print fabric
Lisa's family quilt

Ellie's quilt

Brooklyn's baby quilt

I only helped with this one
Mary Anne's retirement quilt

Rory's family quilt

My easiest quilt ever - fleece hemmed
and she loves it

Brooklyn's bigger quilt

Things were slacking off so I finally got another quilt 
made for my bed.  I've been using one from way back.
I could tell because it wasn't stitch quilted it was tied
Same pattern as the second one from the top but different fabric

1 comment:

  1. Wow Stevi! Beautiful quilts!! I'm glad you put these on here, I love looking at them. :)
