Monday, June 27, 2016

Rosary Making

I started making rosaries at the church a while back
Rope Rosary
 Takes about 15 feet of cording to make one
The Hail Mary's and Our Father's are made with 3 loop barrel knots
The Cross is made with 4 and 8 loop barrel knots
 These are oval beads with 5 feet of white cord
Centerpiece with a six loop barrel knot attached
 Ten Hail Mary beads with another six loop barrel knot 
Six loop barrel knot
  The Our Father bead with the barrel knots on either side
 After I get all 5 decades of Hail Mary bead with 
4 Our Father beads the cord is attached
to the other side of the Centerpiece and the Pendant is started
The Crucifix is attached to the Pendant  
"voila" all done with all the cord ends tucked into the closest bead
I get two of these rosaries done at the meeting, with all the other ladies,
after I collect all the supplies I'll need to make some at home.
Our priest gives the blue rope rosaries away at the men's retreat.
 He needs 150 of them
The bead rosaries are given away at the Rosary before funerals,
RCIA classes, to our sister parish in Uganda, etc.
First Communion teachers buy supplies for their 
second graders to get nice chain rosaries.  Each one takes about 
8 hours to make.  I haven't learned that skill yet.


  1. Wow Stevi! That is such an art! I hope you get to make some for your grandkids, what a treasure knowing "Gram" made a rosary for them. :)

    1. I'm going to learn how to make the chain ones and then go wild. :o)
