Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Ellie turns 4

Ellie turned '4' and she chose to go to the zoo.

We met them over there and hooked up at the Penguin exhibit

 They got up front and showed off for Pete

 The jaguars were a little more standoffish
Tigers were back there resting some

 But we could see them at least
 Pete and Ellie liked climbing on the rocks
 and playing on the statues of animals
 This monkey kept his eye on Ellie from under the burlap sack
 There were a few of these handcrafted benches throughout the park
 The metal monkeys were more fun than the really ones

 and the wolf cubs
 Big elk
 Pete has a hold of the crows beak
 The grizzly bears were good sized
 Pete was more interested in the 'sticks'
 One of the grizzlies went for a swim right in front of Ellie
 We did see a real otter playing in the water too
A lot of the animals were sleeping or at least cuddled up
to keep warm.  It was a cool July day.  Last year
was a record breaking 92 this year not so much at 68
 I saw the Japanese lantern looking plant on the way out of the park
 When everyone got back to the house Ellie got to open presents
 after the photo opps
 Looked like Christmas
 Waterproof hiking boots 
 and lots of things to play in and with
and a Grammy made wall hanging
 Sue does beautiful work
 Pete had fun with the toys in the corner since Ellie explained 
to him he wasn't helping with the unwrapping
 The play house from Grammy & Gramps went together easily
I had basically the same idea this year.  I made a tent for
under the slide on the new swingset.  Ellie called it the 
vacation house.
 The kids were pretending to make food outside
Pete's very good at pretending to eat pretend stuff 
 After dinner we had cupcakes and ice cream
 Ellie got to help decorate her cupcakes

 Lex, Helen, and Giuliana came over to help celebrate
 I think Pete liked the sprinkles the best
Ellie liked it all 
Happy 4th Birthday, Ellie!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun birthday!! Nice tent Stevi, I think it turned out great! And Ellie is so lucky to have 2 grandmas that quilt!
