Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Making of the Tent

After helping to put up the new swing set I had this 
brainstorm of an idea to make a tent to go under the
slide platform 
So I worked on the plan for a while and then got started 
 After looking all over town for a double pull zipper so it
could be opened from the inside as well as the outside
I ended up buying one online
 Marked off the window area with the little white dot pin heads
 Cut the window in an 'X' 
 so I could fold them over to the front side

 and cover them with the screen then window trim so there 
were no raw edges inside the tent to unravel over time
 One window done, two to go!

 The zipper is going under the slide only because Ellie 
thought that was a good way to go under the slide

 Every window needs a curtain
 and an easy way to keep it open 
 Loops to put tent stakes thru to anchor it under the slide
so they could unzip the tent easier
and ties to go around the 4x4s 

Worked pretty well.  Might need a couple staples above the 
zipper so it's easier to zip closed too, but
it should be fun to play with for a while

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