Friday, September 22, 2017

Grandkid's Update

Summer came to an early close for the California
Grandkids.  They started back to school August 11th
but not before a play day at Pismo Beach

 Cade spends some of his time off being
umpire for the Little League Teams
 He's also back on the Hornets select team
but getting beat up a little more this year
 Claire is running Crosscountry waiting for 
Lacrosse to start in February
Her first race she came in 24th out of 
150  10 year old girls
The second race she came in 6th 
 Ellie started Kindergarten this year
 and Loves everything about it
 Pete hadn't had a haircut since May 
 Now he will be able to swim without hair in his eyes
What a little man!!
Someone has to hold him to get a clear picture of him
He doesn't like his picture taken and he knows if he 
moves around we don't like it.  

Into Fall!!

1 comment:

  1. Crazy that Ellie has started Kindergarten. Amy's kids are getting soo big!
