Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Cemetery Visit

Marci and Bruce always go to the cemeteries in
December.  This year Bruce had a lot of surgeries
so I thought I'd help them out and do the yearly
trek.  I usually get boughs from the fir trees in 
our yard from all the wind storms in November.
But of course this year we didn't get any wind 
in November so I got some hemlock boughs 
from Brooke along with holly.
 Most of these are self explanatory 
 This one is Walt's Mom and Dad's plot in Olalla
 The Auburn cemetery, Mountain View
with all Mom's family
 Then on to Washington Memorial in Seattle

Boy these boughs blend into the grass so well
It was a beautiful day 
And of course we got the wind storm after I
had made all the swags!!

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