Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas 2018

We went to California to have Christmas
with Amy's family, well really
Andrew's family, since Brooke and her
family were in San Diego this year with
Chris' family
 We got down there a few days before Christmas
but in time for some fun
 and some work
 Claire works hard and gets flour all over

Cade bonding time
Claire bonding time
Even the dog has to get ready for the big day
 Ready Santa!!
and play

Some play and some sleep
Cade got 007's car in Legos
Claire is figuring out her newest gadget
 and done in 4 hours

Pretty nifty car
and more bonding time in matching pants
 Shasta had a lot more snow on it going home than on
the way down....well maybe I guess it was covered in
fog on the way down so I'm not really sure about that
 Amy sent some pics after we left of Cade
making whipping cream
 and Claire discovering Cattails

We had Christmas with Brooke's family
when they got home from San Diego.
It was after New Years and the rest of the 
world was back to normal.  Ellie had a 
basketball game.  Lucky for us we got to see it
but I forgot my camera so these pics are compliments
of Chris, thanks Chris
Ellie with the ball
Ellie in red on the left.  The ball didn't go in but 
it was a nice shot and she actually hit the rim.
Good Job Ellie!!
Then back home for Christmas 2
 Pete had some odd shaped presents this year
 Before opening presents the kids wanted to have
caroling time.  Ellie wrote up all the words to the
songs she didn't think we would know so we could
follow along
 then she and Pete sang with us
and did the hand gestures

 and then it was present time with Ellie playing Santa
 and helping Pete open his presents
 She was a busy girl

 Pete got some tunnels for his cars so he and Pa played
on the stairs
Pete wanted to get his umbrella out and play with it
but since it's an outside umbrella Ellie made him one
with their new Crazy Forts framing

and one for herself
Such creative kiddos!!

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!!

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